

Meaning from A person habitually engaged in idle talk about others: blab, gossip, gossiper, gossipmonger, newsmonger, scandalmonger, taleteller, whisperer. Slang: yenta

Curiosity drove me to search for the meaning of this word in the dictionary. The past week and the last few days, somebody branded me as such. I just wanted to know how it is to qualify to be one. Repeating what one hears to others does not do one person any good. It pushes him down the pit of mediocrity instead.

How it all happened was trivial now. But the focal point is this, “Leave others to do their own businesses, to face their own misery.” It’s their life after all.

There’s only one thing I am sure of, somebody else spread such news across borders and it’s absolutely not me.

And now whoever has the courage of calling me, branding me as one is the worst rumormonger of all! One wrong turn is enough.
